Love is Everything

Love is Everything

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DSH Perfumes Valentine's Day : 2019 General Catalog Perfume Oil (Available)

Love Is Everything {2019}

A love perfume designed around one of the most amazing things I know: a Mango Lassi. Delicious in every way... with notes of pulpy mango, hints of green tea, a rosewater heart, and a creamy, rich dry down. It is gorgeous, decadent, and heavenly.

“Love is like a perfume [that] you cannot pour onto others without getting a few drops on yourself” – unknown author


I’ve chosen a very special Heirloom Elixir design to be our Valentine’s offering. It’s called Love Is Everything. The story behind this fragrance goes like this:

One evening while sharing one of our favorite family meals (Curry), my son Xander offered us some of his FAVORITE thing in all the world, his Mango Lassi. When we asked him if he was sure he wanted to give any away, he just simply said, “Of course. I love you and love is all that matters”. It was in that moment that I thought about creating a perfume around a Mango Lassi and dedicating it to Xander. (You are an endless source of inspiration. And you are so right; when it comes down to the essence of things, Love IS everything).


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